Unveiling Israel's structures of segregation, confinement, surveillance, and restrictions on freedom in the occupied West Bank
In the shadow of history, Iranian women's bodies bear the scars of intergenerational grief
It seems now more than ever that we are faced with crises upon crises
Patrick Visentin's practice explores the interstice and interplay of fact and fiction through the fusion of analogue and digital mediums and methods of creation.
Making artwork is my way of making peace with the inner battles that haunt me. I don’t belong anywhere, but I belong everywhere because of it.
My name is Alix Van Der Donckt-Ferrand. I was born in 1995 and I live in Montréal. I make drawings, objects and music under the name La Cucurucha. Many of the images I draw have a synchretic component, a mixing […]
Haïti gained independence through a revolution led by those who experienced slavery firsthand.
Artist statement Working quietly for decades on a singular pursuit is what draws me, letting the pieces speak for themselves. This body of work is a study in power and refinement. For more on Eric James Jensen’s artwork, please visit […]
[Editorial note: Serai editor Rana Bose was intrigued by the autobiographical story submitted by Miriam Edelson, from Toronto. “Intrigued” would perhaps be the wrong word. It was more of a sense of resonance with a time in the […]
dans la sculpture comme dans la musique on retrouve la forme, le mouvement, le tempo
Tell Mother, I’m Home is a series of images and text that I have been working on since May 2018. The photographs, previously manual – both film photographs and instant film/Polaroid – have been digitized for the series […]
I’ve been making a series of hand-embroidered interventions on printed fabric. The images of various places and people come back to the common theme of subjects unable (or unwilling) to be claimed. This unfinished business is embodied by […]
Introduction Displaced Garden is the latest work of Montréal-based Iranian artist Anahita Norouzi, exploring the legacies of botanical exploration, plant-collecting and documentation inherited from colonial scientific expeditions. Taking the form of a photographic book containing 18 cyanotype impressions of […]
Works of art reveal themselves to me, rather than my creating or composing preconceived notions. (I’d call them vague notions that I feel for some time without defining them, sometimes for a long time.) I believe each work […]
Artist’s Statement All through my training in sketching and painting, I was inspired by Bargue and Gérôme’s Cours de dessin to reproduce what I saw in real life and the natural world. Included below is one of my sketches […]
After we learned to live with the plague, we learned to survive without the city’s darkness, thanks to the curfew. It is clear what we have lost in this pandemic: lives, loved ones, health, jobs, businesses, fearlessness, spontaneity, the […]
The effects of intergenerational trauma on both my family and community are felt every day.
What are the ethical concerns with bringing Indigenous languages into cyberspace?
They were right in front of us and I was shaking so much I almost shot my dad’s Ski-doo windshield.
thin figures twisting, pleasuring, labouring....
“Through removal and erasure of the paint from the surface of the canvas initially covered in blue, the final imagery appears as the result of an uncovering.”
Montréal Serai editor Claudia Itzkowich visited Amanda Woolrich in her studio to prepare this piece. An etching press presides over Amanda Woolrich’s apartment/art studio in Mexico City. Next to it hangs Amanda’s camera, looking down from a rustic […]
Stanley Février’s art gets under your skin. It calls you and keeps calling. It engages more of you than you know. Heart and mind and spirit remember. Flesh remembers. You feel the expanse, the height, the depth. The […]
Démarche artistique Le travail intérieur qu’exige la création ne cesse de me fasciner. Il me garde vivante. Mon travail se module autour de deux pôles : la céramique-sculpture et le monotype. J’ai commencé à faire du monotype en 2009, […]
Now, I have neither unease to express, nor artistic views to state, nor a CV to display.
Démarche artistique Ma pratique photographique est inspirée de l’environnement qui m’entoure. Un premier projet abordait le thème de l’eau. Celle-ci selon ses différentes phases, son parcours, ses empreintes et la manière dont l’homme vit avec elle. Le […]
Preface by Montréal Serai A high-profile yet anonymous artist in his hometown Québec City and beyond, Wartin Pantois is a breath of fresh air, a quiet voice of dissidence, a street artist, an agent of change, and a catalysing […]
À travers mon travail avec l’argile, j’explore les notions d’identité et de territoire. La mémoire, le legs, la tradition, tout comme l’espace que j’habite, m’amènent à me confronter au temps qui se dérobe. J’aborde le thème du […]
Le coté rationnel de la matière aide à une certaine lecture.
Oleg Dergachov is an internationally recognized Canadian cartoonist who has won over 130 international prizes and awards in 25 countries.