Teaser Collection

Teaser Collections are groups containing Article related links and information. Teaser collections can be simple (eg: Article title only) or more complex with thumbnails and other variations in order to help the user understand the site content while encouraging discovery.

Text Teaser collections

Featured teaser

A single teaser that occupies the entire row.

Feature Article teaser in Section with color

A single teaser that occupies the entire row using color background for importance and high visibility.

Two column teaser collection

A group of two Article Teasers

Three column teaser collection

A group of three Article Teasers

Four column teaser collection

Although Teasers can contain almost any type of content, when using a group of four, its best to simplify the information to make it easier to consume

Mixed Teaser collections

Teasers can be mixed, allowing freedom to curate articles by theme and commonalities within a desired layout.