
My practice explores the interstice and interplay of fact and fiction through the fusion of analogue and digital mediums and methods of creation.

The works begin as small hand-made wax sculptures that are scanned using a variety of input methods and devices, including computerized axial tomography (CAT) scanners, triangulation laser scanners and CMOS camera sensors. They are altered with computer software and output using a mix of traditional and contemporary methods of print production, including inkjet prints, Rapid Prototype 3D prints and laser engraved woodblock prints.

These Biofictions are inspired by the natural world and owe part of their final structure to principles articulated by the scientific world, namely, symmetry, subunit structure and proportionate scale. I extrapolate on these facts or fact-based theories and notions, and reach beyond what can be measured and described to materialize the unknown improbable fantastical side of life… as only art can.

Phylum: Dark Matter 36 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Dark Matter 36 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Dark Matter 21 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Dark Matter 21 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Dark Matter 18 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Dark Matter 18 © Patrick Visentin, 2012
Phylum: Hidden Geometry © Patrick Visentin, 2023
Phylum: Hidden Geometry © Patrick Visentin, 2023