
Typographic elements and blocks are designed clean and simple, with a focus on reading and legibility so the user can consume information whether scanning or reading.


H1 Reflections on Starry Skies

H2 Whispers of Rebellion: Women in Bright Shadows

H3 In connection with the Bay of Pigs and other beaches

H4 A salute to the tam tams

H5 Playing in the Quantum Field
H6 Film Review
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://use.typekit.net/kwa5lvj.css">

Every so often, there would be a moment of stillness when the wavering leaves would suddenly stand upright next to a farmer’s cone-hat. The pure white hat made a distinct punctuation mark amidst the lush green cornrows.

It reminded me of the lines of text in my notebook that I wrote with great care, using thick and thin strokes, as if the letters also yearned to join the beckoning dance of the corn leaves. School had been an adventure in boredom. Yet everything I saw related to it. Yes, I knew that being a well-behaved child meant being polite and obedient to grown-ups. I had tried my best. But how could I be good enough for them when the boredom they imposed on me only grew each day? It didn’t ebb and flow with the seasons like the water in the river.

Rich text

WordPress allows an author to add or paste formatted text and content into the body section of its editor. Rich formatting allows for text styles such as headings, links, lists, bold, italics, superscripts and more.

“No punishment, still scared,” was my body’s response.

Second grade passed! I worked hard and earned the merit award for excellence. No longer a “rebellious element,” I would be on stage to receive my prize. My heart felt like bursting as the drum team marched into the hall, all dressed in crisp white uniforms and white canoe-caps adorned with gold stripes. Leading the team was a girl carrying a red-and-gold flag, waving it up and down in time with the music. Behind her was a boy holding a very big drum and a long instrument shaped like my brother’s tipcat stick. Six students followed on smaller drums, their drumsticks twirling nimbly in their hands.

“Attention! Salute the flag… Salute!” the Young Pioneer Commander shouted.

Fugitive literature

Chapter Three

Right after the command, five horns blared2, “toot, toot… toot…” I hardly recognized the music, even though

for months. Perhaps I was sick of their blaring sounds echoing from the auditorium like the trumpeting of caged elephants in a zoo.

It’s 1991, barely a year after the Oka Crisis, and I’m with other Commonwealth Fellows visiting South Pacific island nations. We’re in Samoa packed into a mini-bus on our way to visit the O le Ao o le Malo, Samoa’s Head of State, similar to Canada’s Governor-General.

It’s almost Pavlovian. Ring that bell and get that answer.


Poem style is used for ‘old school typewriter-like’ control of text spacing. Poem has options for monospace and variable width font as well as basic formatting such as bold and italics. A subtle line follows each poem.

Knocking the Next

We rise to shining life,
			then turn—— 

		lungs to earth, 
	liver to river, 
kidneys to constellations;

heart of the recent 
being knocking the next.

You tell me you are not like me. Nor am I like you,
but obliterating my thoughts, my feelings, my senses
was not yours to do.
Overview text

An introduction paragraph found in the page or article header directly after the top level heading or title.

Montréal Serai is a non-profit webzine focused on arts, culture and politics. We began in 1986 as a local theatre and arts collective that went on to produce a print magazine before going digital. Our driving force: creating new communities, new arts, new solidarities, where voices once relegated to the margins take centre stage.


Use a Pullquote for page or article text that you would like to highlight such as an emotive quote or short blurb. Pullquotes improve the users ability to scan a page, and can help with SEO. Pullquotes have several options including full width or left/right aligned.

It is not an exaggeration to say that peas can be described as nothing less than perfect spheres of joy.

The Encyclopedia of world peas

It is not an exaggeration to say that peas can be described as nothing less than perfect spheres of joy.

The Encyclopedia of world peas
Author bio

Kathryn Jordan is an author and musician from Berkeley, CA. In the past year, her poems placed or won Honorable Mention in The Kowit, Muriel Craft Bailey, Connecticut Poetry Society, and Patricia Dobler poetry contests. Kathryn’s work appears in The SunComstock Review, and New Ohio Review, among others. For more on her work, please visit Kathryn’s website.


Jila Mossaed was born in Iran but left in 1986, finding refuge in Sweden. Her poetry has been translated into Dutch, Greek and French, and has been honoured with numerous prizes in Sweden and France.  Nicola Vulpe is a Canadian poet. Dismayed that Jila Mossaed was unknown to the English-speaking world, in 2020 he set out to translate this extraordinary poet and introduce her to readers of English.  Gazelle Bastan is a Montréal-based multidisciplinary artist who has presented her work in group exhibitions in Tehran, Arak, Damascus and Montréal. For more on her art, please visit her website.


  • Telling Our Twisted Histories, One Word at a Time
  • Some Hard-to-Chew Facts!
  • Green String Beans
  • El Tamalito
  • Two Poems with Cut Fig
  • Telling Our Twisted Histories, One Word at a Time
  • Some Hard-to-Chew Facts!
  • Green String Beans
  • El Tamalito
  • Two Poems with Cut Fig
  • Telling Our Twisted Histories, One Word at a Time
  • Some Hard-to-Chew Facts!
  • Green String Beans
  • El Tamalito
  • Two Poems with Cut Fig
  • Telling Our Twisted Histories, One Word at a Time
  • Some Hard-to-Chew Facts!
  • Green String Beans
  • El Tamalito
  • Two Poems with Cut Fig