Woman in a line up


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Oh excuse me, I just got pushed from behind, I didn’t mean to bump into you. There sure are a lot of people here today. I just take this one class so I don’t know whether it’s… Oh I’ll just move up. Modern European Novel. You? Anthropology, ? Who is teaching that? Any good? sounds like a good course. Oh I didn’t know it was required… in my day. You know I worshipped Margaret Mead… Coming of Age in Somoa was the first sex education we had. Margaret Mead? O.K. moving.  Did you know that Betty Friedan died. No, not Freedman Friedan… Betty.. She was one of the founders of the woman’s liberation movement she want housework to have equal value. Why to office work or car mechanics .She got us out of the kitchens and onto the streets, I even saw her speak in San Francisco. There was Gloria Steinam she said that if men had periods there would be special religious celebrations for their menses, oh yeah, and all sanitary products would be free. It was a joke, sort of .

You’ve heard of Germaine Greer? She wrote The Female Eunuch. No it is not about erotica, it’s an examination of sexuality under the patriarchy. Although I find her writing a bit opaque, she did write this fantastic book on Artemesia Gentileschi…so important, all the woman artists who got painted over neglected, denounced…and Kate Millet…  She was the author of Sexual Politics, it really put the kibosh on romantic love, and showed how the patriarchy used it to …patriarchy? Well let’s see. Can you imagine a world where only five percent of the faculty were women.  SO do you believe in equal pay for equal work.  How about abortions on demand?  

Oh look it’s  finally my … what are you doing? She was behind me. C’mon, I was next. I have been standing in this stupid line for a long time, in fact longer than them and I demand attention right now. I may have white hair, be over fifty and invisible, but one thing you will have to deal with, I am in this line. I am at the front, and I sure as hell am not inaudible. Right. I want a Moccacino, medium, and I want it NOW!

Anna Fuerstenberg is a regular contributor to Montreal Serai, Playwright, actress and story teller